Mon 27 Jan
Tue 21 Jan
UNBEATABLE specials ONLY TIL' 11 am checkout! SEXY NEW PIX RAVEN!! - 23
(Cincinnati, Springdale RT4)
Looking to Relieve some Stress??! April is ready to take care of the pRoBleM!! 513-393-8721. - 26
(Cincinnati, north cincy area incalls some outcalls)
Looking to Relieve some Stress??! April is ready to take care of the pRoBleM!! 513-815-7732 - 26
(Cincinnati, north cincy area incalls some outcalls)
Hi im Tara! yummy! 23yrs! Nice Tight Build 5'3 116 36d dirty blonde! cincy nky cvg airport ind - 23
(Cincinnati, nky.I-75 cvg airport downtown cincinnat)
Hey Guys, come get you some of Destinee... A mouth made of GoLd!! - 21
(Cincinnati, north cincy incall, outcall-tri state)
Hey Guys come check out Alana (Well Reviewed), America's Sweet heart! 513-815-7732 - 30
(Cincinnati, North cincy incall, outcall-tri state)
Tue 07 Jan
~~~~~~ ⎷ ⎛ ⎝ ⎛~ AwEsOmE__ SeNsUaL__ SeSsIoN !!! ~~~ (~~~~_ UPSCALE_ ~~~~~ ) - 18
(North Cincinnati Area)
Mon 06 Jan
Sun 05 Jan
Hey Guys come get you some of this hot blonde! Jo jo 513-207-7265 - 28
(Cincinnati, North cincy incall, outcall-tri state)
⭐⭐April. Elite escort goddess ⭐⭐ Everything right everything tight ⭐✨qv and hhr morning special✨⭐💸 - 25
Sat 04 Jan
Gentlemen, come see Ally, well reviewed 213-861-0940 - 30
(Cincinnati, north cincy area incalls some outcalls)
Seeking Generous Sugar Daddy! - 34
(Cincinnati, Cleveland, Dayton, Mansfield, North Columbus, Toledo)
Fri 03 Jan
Looking to Relieve some Stress??! April is ready to take care of the pRoBleM!! 513-900-2042 - 26
(Cincinnati, north cincy area incalls some outcalls)
~~~~~~ ⎷ ⎛ ⎝ ⎛~ AwEsOmE__ SeNsUaL__ SeSsIoN !!! ~~~ (~~~~_ UPSCALE_ ~~~~~ ) - 18
(North Cincinnati Area)
Thu 02 Jan